Anyone Willing to Wager DOJ Will Sue Bolton…and Win?

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    • #624

      Any book profits plus millions more will be spent on legal fees defending the book`s publication of classified information.

    • #626

      I’ll take that bet Rocky.  DOJ just lost the case this morning.  If you can’t win on a TRO your case is toast.

    • #636

      The DOJ has standing but how many others do?  It could be very expensive for Mr. Bolton, which is my point.  For his sake, he better have received a hefty upfront payment from the publisher.  While I think Bolton could and should and probably will lose the case, his far greater and more substantial loss will be financial.

    • #637

      what makes you think he won’t recover attorneys fees when he wins.  with the release of the book unfettered by the court at this point, trump literally can’t win the actual case without magic.  At this point, his defense will include malicious prosecution claims which will entitle him to his costs if he wins…bolton is as low class as his former boss, but Bolton doesn’t need the money, he’s doing this for the giggles anyway and the book sales will more than pay for the defense costs and then you and I are going to end up paying his fees anyway.  the president needs to grow up and quit acting like a spoiled brat.  Barr’s office has other crap to do than this monkey jerking around.

      And i would add, all ya’ll fake conservatives really love your freedom of speech until its inconvenient for you.  Don’t be like them liberals, have a pair of standards that actually matter.  bolton is a schmuck, but he is free to write his schmuckness down and publish it if it doesn’t have any classified information…and apparently it doesn’t have any classified information.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by AvatarRoscoeMaynard.
    • #643

      I think I heard somewhere, that the judge ruled that the horse was already out of  the barn (200k copies already released), so it’s irrelevant to stop at this point. If that is indeed the case, makes sense. And if there’s any, any classified info in there, Bolton is indeed in deep doo doo.

    • #655

      The judge in his ruling while acknowledging the horse out of the barn, noted that Bolton likely broke the Law and can be prosecuted. So stay tuned.

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