Two lawyers are sitting on Trump’s jury

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    • #8316

      The author thinks it’s good for Trump. Ah…no. Two NY lawyers, likely to be lefties as most lawyers are? Civil litigator at large, white-shoe law firm and a corporate lawyer specializing in VCs and startups. Unless it’s Peter Thiel, bad news for Trump.

      Lawyers are almost always dismissed in voir dire, ironically because the lawyers on the case don’t want smart people on the jury, they want people that they can sway. And lawyers can’t be swayed as easily as civilians, so to speak.

      You don’t want a lawyer on a jury for two reasons: (a) They’ll try to be the foreman, and (b) when they get in the jury room, they will slant everything and say “OK, here’s what the attorneys are really saying.”

      The quote in the article about lawyers focusing on technicalities and not being swayed by emotion is, um…totally incorrect. But the last part of the article is telling, that lawyers on a jury can misinstruct their fellow jurors.

      It’s ultra-bad news for Trump that two, likely-leftist lawyers are on his jury.

      ‘Totally Uncommon’: Lawyers on the jury make Trump’s trial even more strange – POLITICO

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    • #8324

      More info on the two lawyers. One is from Hunton Andrews Kurth, a civil litigator. He conned made his way onto the jury by claiming he doesn’t know anything about criminal law, election law or finance law and said his political views about Trump are “a mixed bag.”

      The other is a corporate attorney at Gunderson Dettmer who says he’s not familiar with the charges against Trump in other venues. They’re actually based in Foster City but have a sizable presence in NYC.


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