Chevron is moving out of California…

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    • #8741

      …moving HQ to Houston, what a surprise. They already have 7,000 employees in the area. Move will be complete by 2029. They will keep a service / maintenance skeleton crew to work the oil fields, refineries and oil wells in CA.

      Chevron says it is moving its headquarters out of California

      “Texas offers a business-friendly environment, a more affordable cost of living, and better proximity to key counterparts in the service sector, our industry and academia,” the company said in a statement. Nice going, Democrats.

      Chevron, ranked #10 on the Fortune 500, reported earnings of $6 billion through Q2’23 and $4.4 billion through Q2’24.

      Gov. Newsom, you can subtract Tesla (Austin) and Hewlett Packard Enterprises (Houston), along with SpaceX and X (f/k/a Twitter) both to Texas in the near future per Chairman Musk.

      “Chasing jobs and employers out of California is no way to run the economy,” said Jim Wunderman, CEO of the Bay Area Council, a business-backed advocacy group, in a statement. “It’s an embarrassment for California that we’ve lost so many global companies because of misguided policies that make it incredibly difficult to do business here. California’s elected leaders need to take stock of the decisions they’re making that effect millions of families and workers, impact the state budget and have grave consequences for the future economic health of this state.”

      James Gallagher, the Republican leader of the California Assembly, said the move was “an entirely predictable consequence of Gavin Newsom’s constant demonization of the companies California depends on for energy, jobs and tax revenue.”

      What Chevron’s move to Houston means for the energy capital (

      • This topic was modified 1 month ago by Mick1Mick1.

      Audaces fortuna iuvat

    • #8744

      Gavin Newsom doesn’t see you as a citizen of his state. He sees you as a potential revenue stream.

    • #8745

      [quote quote=8744] Gavin Newsom doesn’t see you as a citizen of his state. He sees you as a potential revenue stream.[/quote]

      This would be funny it weren’t so sad.  California has done such a bang up job managing resources and supplying basic services that it will own and operate refineries?

      Who will it sue when there is spill? Who will it sue over contributing to climate change?

      Good heavens…..

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