Transgender women win ct high school race

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    • #110

      I realize we ran this one down on TOCEB a long time ago, but I can’t help but think that if you have a Y chromosome, you don’t get to compete with the girls.

      I realize this is more complex than that, but when it comes to sport, there has to be some level of hard rules. If I identify as a carry on bag, can I fly free from now on?   :wacko:

      Transgender Track Athlete Wins CT State Championship, Debate Ensues



      Sic transit gloria mundi (so shut up and get back to work)

    • #122

      We’ve gone from “Alice in Wonderland” to “Alex in Wonderland”

      “I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I

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